The Jurassic Park Adventures book series, released in 2002, is set after the events of Jurassic Park III and continues the story of Dr. Alan Grant and young Eric Kirby. Written by Scott Ciencin, the series includes three books:
1.“Survivor”: This book follows Eric Kirby’s survival after being stranded on Isla Sorna for eight weeks. Eric must use his wits and knowledge to evade deadly dinosaurs and stay alive until he is rescued.
2.“Prey”: Eric Kirby is back on Isla Sorna, but this time he’s with a rescue team sent to help a stranded documentary crew. However, the island’s dangerous predators, including the formidable Spinosaurus, make the mission far more perilous than they anticipated.
3.“Flyers”: In this installment, three Pteranodons escape from Isla Sorna and terrorize the U.S. The story centers on Dr. Alan Grant and Eric Kirby, who must find a way to lead the creatures back home without them being destroyed, all while ensuring the safety of the public.
These adventure books expanded the Jurassic Park universe for younger audiences, focusing on survival, dinosaur encounters, and fast-paced action.
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