The Jurassic Park: Dinosaur Escape Card Game, released by Parker Brothers, brings the excitement of the iconic film franchise into a fast-paced, competitive card game format. Designed for 2 to 4 players, the goal is simple yet thrilling: be the first to escape from Isla Nublar by getting rid of all your dinosaur cards before your opponents. Players must navigate challenges posed by dinosaurs, such as the terrifying T-Rex or cunning Velociraptors, while managing their cards strategically to win rounds.
To win the game, players need to escape after winning three rounds, while other players remain trapped on the island with the dinosaurs. It’s recommended for players aged 8 and up, making it accessible for families and younger players who enjoy the combination of hand management mechanics and dinosaur action.
The game typically takes about 30 minutes to complete and encourages quick decision-making, offering an engaging yet simple experience that captures the thrill of Jurassic Park’s perilous world.
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