In 1993, Kenner released a now-iconic line of Jurassic Park toys to coincide with the release of the groundbreaking film. These toys were highly detailed and packed with features that brought the movie’s thrilling dinosaur action to life. The line included human characters, vehicles, and a range of dinosaurs, many with electronic features or action-based functionalities, making them some of the most memorable and sought-after collectibles from the early 90s. Each toy came with unique accessories and play features, allowing fans to recreate scenes from the film or imagine their own adventures.
The Electronic Velociraptor figure was equipped with sound features that activated by pulling its body backwards. Although not as movie-acurate, its detailed claws and fearsome face made it one of the most aggressive-looking toys in the line. The electronic growling and screeching noises enhanced the sense of danger and stealth, making it a must-have for anyone recreating the terrifying raptor chases from the film.
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