The Jurassic Park Series II toyline by Kenner, released in 1994, was the follow-up to the highly successful first wave of toys based on the original Jurassic Park film. Building on the popularity of dinosaurs and characters from the movie, Series 2 introduced a mix of new action figures, vehicles, and dinosaurs. This collection featured both returning human characters with new accessories and fresh faces, alongside an expanded array of dinosaurs, many of which were not seen in the film. Several figures and dinosaurs included electronic sounds or action features, adding a layer of interactive play to the set. The Series 2 toys are highly sought after by collectors for their creativity and nostalgic connection to the iconic franchise.
Sgt. T-Rex Turner is another new character in the toyline, part of the Dino Trackers. The Brachiosaurus hatchling is a repaint of the same figure that came with Tim Murphy in the series I line. Sgt. T-Rex Turner comes with a working bow and arrow.
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